推荐使用17CE APP

  • Trend analysis

    It can mastery website performance curve and provide a powerful refer for site speed optimization. [More]

  • Error analysis

    Error analysis of monitoring data for all day, Website access error in what time.... [More]

  • Regional analysis

    Through regional analysis, it can quickly find out where the site is running slowly [More]

  • ISP analysis

    Through ISP analysis, it can quickly find the site in which operators to run slowly [More]

  • Monitoring point analysis

    Provide monitoring point data in order to reverse lookup [More]

speed ranking today week month

ranking domain time
1 www.cqsxedu.com 0.218s
2 www.qykh2009.com 0.224s
3 txcdn-song.mvbox.cn 0.287s
4 media.st.dl.eccdnx.com 0.3s
5 vod7.0518jy.com 0.344s
6 imgsrc.baidu.com 0.36s
7 www.0xiao.com 0.386s
8 statics.ekuaibao.com 0.391s
9 www.szxinxinzs.com 0.411s
10 www.baidu.com 0.463s

latest speed

domain type time
ddkanqiu.cc get 0.895s
test-static.ccctvvv.com get 1.097s
d2hno4cmr11u2q.cloudfront.ne get 0.963s
thumbnail.weixin.qq.com get 0.652s
api3.p2ps.vip get 0.414s
www.k8k8k8.com get 4.167s
m.tianz.net get 0.797s
www.baidu.com get 0.423s
clifile.dhgames.cn get 0.506s
www.66yingshi.com get 1.735s


